I M P O R T A N T    D E A D L I N E S
On-line registration*:
From February 10, 2006
Abstract submission:
Abstract acceptance:
June 25, 2006
July 7, 2006
Fellowship application**:
Nikola Tesla Young Scientist Award application
June 25, 2006

July 15, 2006

Early registration***:
Late registration-1:
Late registration-2:
On-site registration:

Cancellation with refund:

June 25, 2006
July 15, 2006
After July 15, 2006
Only if confirmed via e-mail

July 15, 2006

Hotel reservation:
July 15, 2006

* Abstract submission is not required for the Mind and Brain V on-line registration.
** For participants from Croatia and countries with limited funds for science. 
*** Registration of the presenting author is required for abstract submission.